Posted by : Unknown
5 Nov 2013
Cheat Game Zuma PC
1. Pertama Buka directory dimana kamu install Zuma,defaultnya ada di
C:\Program Files\GameHouse\Zuma
2. Selanjutnya masuk ke folder "levels" *gak make kutip :p*
3. Abis tu copy file levels.xml kemana aja. Karena kita akan mengedit file tsb.
4. Klik kanan file levels.xml lalu pilih Open With and Klik Notepad..
5. Cari kode berikut....
Settings id="lvl11" speed="0.5" start="35" score="1000"
ganti angka 0.5 dengan angka 0.4/0.3 pokoknya makin kecil makin lambat gundu/bola yang jalan,begitu juga sebaliknya
trus lv11 itu maksudnya pas di level berapa yang kita lambatin bola/gundu-nya :)
6. Klik FIle trus Save...
- kadang2 kalo salah kode muncul error
error itu muncul karena ada kesalahan penulisan pada level.xml-nya.. coba di cek lagi :)
- cheat ini berlaku untuk Zuma Deluxe
Bonus... Zuma Easter Egg
nih yang gw temuin Easter Egg-nya
UFO appearance
To make the UFO appear on the menu screen, move your cursor over the menu buttons 3 times in this order:
Adventure, Gauntlet, Options, More Games, Quit
Stop The Stars
While on the space level which is the last level stage 13-1 you can hit "s" to make the stars stop moving which might help your eyes to focus on the screen better.
Following Frog Eyes
In the menu screen, click on the frog in the lower left hand corner. His eyes will follow the cursor until you click him again.
Nah tugas kalian tinggal mempraktekan dirumah semoga berhasil
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